Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Louie Anderson tickets

Louie Anderson tickets are flying out the door! Northrop Auditorium tickets are always very popular for Louie Anderson's Holiday shows. Many Minnesotans like to give the gift of Louie Anderson for the holidays - his shows are always around New Years.

In addition to Louie Anderson, comedy show goers will also get treated to Louie Anderson's opening acts: Scott Hansen and Mary Mack. Louiepalooza, as the Nortrop Auditorium is referring to this holiday spectacle, is takes place on Saturday, January 2nd, 2010 at 5pm and 8:30pm. In case you can't get enough Louie Anderson there are TWO shows. Minnesotans love Louie Anderson so don't forget to buy your Northrop Auditoirum tickets today!

I am going to be working so I won't be making it to the show, but if you make it let me know some of the jokes.

Louie Anderson may have the world's biggest diastema!


B said...

Is it weird that I find him kinda creepy?

laura said...

i didnt even think he was still alive lol

Anonymous said...

He is a little creepy and I just don't think he has mass appeal any more (yes, there was a pun intended with the word mass). I think he should just retire or do commericals only - his stand-up routine is getting old.

B said...

I agree... not only is he creepy but I'm not sure there is anyone out there that would go to his show...