In addition to Louie Anderson, comedy show goers will also get treated to Louie Anderson's opening acts: Scott Hansen and Mary Mack. Louiepalooza, as the Nortrop Auditorium is referring to this holiday spectacle, is takes place on Saturday, January 2nd, 2010 at 5pm and 8:30pm. In case you can't get enough Louie Anderson there are TWO shows. Minnesotans love Louie Anderson so don't forget to buy your Northrop Auditoirum tickets today!
I am going to be working so I won't be making it to the show, but if you make it let me know some of the jokes.
Louie Anderson may have the world's biggest diastema!
Is it weird that I find him kinda creepy?
i didnt even think he was still alive lol
He is a little creepy and I just don't think he has mass appeal any more (yes, there was a pun intended with the word mass). I think he should just retire or do commericals only - his stand-up routine is getting old.
I agree... not only is he creepy but I'm not sure there is anyone out there that would go to his show...
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