Sunday, April 11, 2010

Northrop Auditorium tickets

There is not a lot going on at the Northrop these days. Past Northrop Auditorium performers, the Zac Brown Band have announced a show at Mystic Lake Casino. Fans are upset about this change because the Mystic Lake tickets are double what he was charging for the Northrop Auditorium tickets for his last show here. The Star Tribune even featured an article on the new Zac Brown Band ticket price jump.

In other news, both Chelsea Handler shows ended up being a great success and selling out, even the late show. Minneapolis comedy fans proved to be big fan of the Chelsea Lately star. Though sadly, I heard Chewy was not there. What is a Chelsea Handler show with no Chewy?!!

While the Chelsea Handler shows were going on at the Northrop, I was just across the mall area of the UofMN campus at the Weisman Art Museum at another sold out show" WHAMplified. Minnesota's own Har Mar Superstar was the headliner, and despite it being a million plus degrees in there it was a great show. I have seen Har Mar Superstar in just about every venue in the twin cities area so it was cool to see him in another setting: an art gallery. The 'stage' was in the conference/meeting room wing. Even thought Har Mar probably won't be in the next WHAMplified, I would totally go to another one just for the experience - I highly recommend it.

I will post some pictures from the show when I can find my missing camera cord!

Har Mar on the Jimmy Fallon show:


B said...

Zac Brown Band Tickets are worth it even if they are more expensive!!

Anonymous said...

i'm going to go to this for sure!!

Anonymous said...

cool, cool

Intern! said...

ZAC BROWN baby! The tickets for Ticket King aren't that expensive, but yes, zac brown is totally worth it anyway.