Not a lot has been going on the Northrop lately. However, one very notable public figure will be making a very rare special appearance this spring:
The Dalai Lama. Mariucci Northrop Auditorium tickets are on sale now for the May 8th Dalai Lama event. Expect security to be abundant and the campus area to be hectic. Maybe finals week is not the best week for this appearance. Although I am sure the Center for Spirituality and Healing (who is presenting the event) had little to do with the date. The Dalai Lama will speak when the Dalai Lama will speak, no?
This will be the Dalai Lama's first trip to the US since 2001. The theme of the event is "One Heart, One Mind, One Soul." Not only seen as a spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama will speak on his ethics, happiness, harmonies, identity, culture, and religion.
Mariucci Northrop Auditorium tickets are on sale now for this event, however, run a quite a steep price. Ticket prices go up to over $200 per ticket. That is a little steep for the everyday college student. This is a once in a lifetime event - perhaps its something that you cannot really 'put' a price on?